To Do List

Today was a very productive day that resulted in lots of check marks on my to do list! The day started early with the delivery of our new sectional for our den. We must have been the first stop, 7:28am to be exact and there were men bringing in our new furniture. I also made a quick early trip to Target to exchange one of our baby gates. The latch on one was not working correctly and we have only had them for a week! Luckily I still had the receipt and there was no hassle with the exchange, thank goodness. In the mean time Tim started installing our TV mount, those are pretty darn heavy, much heavier than I would have imagined. However, they look really cool! It's neat to see the TV just hanging out on the wall.

Today Tim had to work early so it was just Karoline and I. I'm trying to get her onto a one nap a day schedule, today was a bit rough but I'm sure it will get easier as we go. While she slept I was able to clean the whole house and do laundry. Not to mention I cleaned a few of the curtains that were left in our house. This was a huge weight lifted, they were pretty filthy! Luckily my new washer and dryer have a "sanitize" setting. That setting very well may have been made just for me and my "A type!" -I love it!

Along with cleaning I was able to get a few things done on the computer, something I haven't done in a while. I also made a grocery list, it's amazing how much more money we spend when I have lazy days and don't cook, makes me sick to think about it. The house is coming along. There are a few things that I think will end up getting changed over the next few months but for now it's definitely livable, which is nice.

Tomorrow if the temperature is right Karoline and I may spend some time outside and go swimming. Seems fitting since tomorrow is 4th of July Eve!

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