
When I was little and someone asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" I would respond I wanted to be famous, and a few years later it was a bit more elaborate in that I wanted to be the next Julia Roberts. 

In high schools I wanted to be a doctor, then a teacher, in college I gravitated towards the communications field and wanted to be a sportscaster. 

Thankfully I was blessed enough to have a family. The only job I ever truly knew with 100% certainty that I wanted was to be a mom. 

After becoming a mom I then took the alternative license route to becoming a teacher. All the while, writing here and there weaved its way through the background of my life. 

When Alexandra was born she had food allergies. I had to avoid so many foods while nursing her. In this time I really learned a lot. Thankfully we were living in Denver so being Colorado Crunchy wasn't weird or out of the norm. Since then I've continued to strive to make good healthy diet choices for our family. I'm not perfect and often times need reminders to get back on track. 

Last August Karoline was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. Since then we haven't had to change a whole lot about our diet. This was a huge blessing that we already ate in a way that didn't make a diabetic diet a huge shock. We have learned a lot about nutrition and how our bodies process foods since her diagnosis. Recently I ordered the book, "Sugar-Free Kids," by Maria Emmerich. The information in this text has transformed my whole world in regards to foods. A blessing and a curse in my life is that once I know better, I can't go back to the way I was. I have to move forward and remember what I know. 

For the past 20 years I have chased after dreams, jobs, and goals. I have had moments that have sparked little flames inside of me to learn and do more. The topic of nutrition and the chance to help others learn more about how to live a lifestyle based on whole foods and exercise has me on fire. 

I told my husband, Tim, if I could go back and redo life I would go to school to learn about nutrition. However, after reading, "Big Magic," by Elizabeth Gilbert, she confirmed what I've always thought. I do not need a proper educational setting to learn. So here I am, publicly declaring I will learn more and I will share what I learn. I will lead by example and I will be available to talk to those who are excited to learn more, need support and need a helping hand. 

My mission is to empower others to lead vibrant and fulfilling lives by embracing a healthy lifestyle through mindful choices in diet and exercise. I believe optimal well-being is achieved when we nourish our bodies with wholesome, nutrient-rich foods and engage in regular physical activity.

By sharing I strive to inspire individuals to prioritize their health and make conscious decisions that positively impact their overall well-being. I promote the understanding that healthy living is a lifelong journey, and every small step counts towards a greater transformation.

I advocate for a balanced approach to nutrition, emphasizing the importance of consuming a variety of whole foods, abundant in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

Furthermore, I recognize regular exercise is fundamental to achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I aim to inspire and guide individuals in finding physical activities that bring them joy and promote their overall fitness. 

I believe in the power of community and collaboration, fostering a supportive environment where individuals can share experiences, seek guidance, and celebrate achievements. 

Ultimately, my mission is to help individuals transform their lives by embracing a holistic approach to health through thoughtful choices in diet and exercise. I strive to share knowledge, guidance, and inspiration necessary for individuals to thrive physically, mentally, and emotionally, leading to a life of vitality and fulfillment.