Independence Day

Yesterday our family had such a lovely day celebrating our nations independence day! Mine and Karoline's day started pretty early, she was up at 6:30 but slept the night through. Since we were up we went to the grocery store. It was quite a large trip but it should allow us to not need to go to the store for 10 days or even longer.

When we got home from the store Tim was up and already doing a few things around the house. Through out the day we had a few snacks and did a few chores: cleaning, mowing the lawn and some playing with Karoline too of course. Karoline took a two hour nap that allowed Tim and I to look at vehicles online. I think we have finally decided on the vehicle we would like to get! Right now we are just waiting on a few things to fall into place and then we will get to go do a few test drives to make sure the car that we think we want is a good fit.

In the afternoon we set up Karoline's little pool as well as the sprinkler. She really doesn't seem to care to much for either but absolutely loves the community pool. I think we will be going there a few times a week for the rest of the summer.

We had the traditional Fourth of July meal ... Hot dogs, hamburgers, corn on the cob and watermelon. We also discovered that Karoline will eat hamburger when there is ketchup on the meat, good to know. Oh did I mention we ate dinner on a pic nic blanket in our back yard, it was a very fun night. We even saw a few fire works from our back yard. Little missy was so tired that she didn't even protest going to bed. She slept all night, got up at 5:15am, ate and went back to bed for a few hours.

Today was a good day as well, it started with a few errands and running to a few shops. Karoline was great, she didn't complain once and didn't even mind her car seat! It was fantastic! Shopping with her is a blast when she's in the mood.

The day felt very long since Tim didn't have to go to work early, it was wonderful to have him home the normal amount of time. We also will have a full weekend together, hooray!

Here's to a productive and fun weekend!

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