
So many firsts. Karoline has been a busy little bee these last few days. She has started to pick herself up onto her knees and "crawl" for a bit before flopping forward and resorting to her very speedy army crawl. She sure is fast when she wants something, most often a cell phone. We may be in trouble. I am looking forward to her opening her Christmas present from Santa, a fun adaptivity case for an iPod or iPhone. I think she is going to love it. Then she can play with our phones all she wants.

Our sweet girl is now starting to figure out the range of her voice. Today she would screech at a high pitch and I would laugh at her, then she would laugh at herself. We did this for several rounds of scream/laughter, she makes my day.

She has also started to "walk." When you hold her hands she will pick up those adorable little feet and lead the way to the object of her desire. I can't believe how quickly she is learning new skills.

Today we started sign language. Just a few signs: food, tired, more and all done. I decided it was time to do this now that she is attempting to clap as well as wave in imitation. Having children is such a blessing. There is no way to explain this wonder, but those who have children that they dreamed about and prayed for understand exactly what I mean.

Tomorrow is supposed to be a very cold day. I think we will have to come up with a new activity for Karoline since we will be inside for the entire day again. Maybe I will hide a few of her toys in each room and cover them almost all the way with a blanket. I read that she should be able to recognize her things now. Just the sure change of scenery from room to room should satisfy her sensory skills.

Until next time, stay warm!

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