A little here and there.

I have so many things I have thought to write down the last couple of days that I feel this entry will be all over the place. So, here goes the bulleted form of everything I've been trying not to forget.

Today when I picked up Karoline from her nap she smelled beautiful, really heavenly. Combine her sweet baby smell with her adorable toothless grin and I'm a sucker.

We're dealing with a bit of separation anxiety (which is making for rough nights), but in having Karoline on my hip to do chores I found myself looking down at her on my left hip and being so thankful to have my little "side" kick. It's such an amazing feeling having her want to be with me.

Yesterday my sweet baby girl mastered waving, clapping and feeding herself. I'm beyond proud of how strong she is and all of her accomplishments. Today she would get up onto her knees to crawl and would rock back and forth and then plop forward, adorable and she is getting so close.

Our first Christmas as a family of 3 was wonderful. Having kids completely changes your outlook on Christmas. I woke up with no hope or even want of gifts but more so to see Karoline playing with her presents/paper/boxes. She was such a sweetie, even though we had two very very rough nights of sleep prior to Christmas. I do think she prefers her routine at home in her room and bed. I am not sure if this is a good or a bad thing but I know now that I have a two night limit for visits. Not that I don't want to be able to spend more time visiting family but simply because that's all I can handle before I become completely exhausted.

I've started making adorable hair bows for Karoline, I'll have to add a picture of them in my next blog. I even was asked to make one and be paid for it. I'm hoping this weekend to go out and try to find the ribbon I need for a CSU themed bow!

Starting after the new year I am excited to start taking a little time for me. For one hour two week days and one weekend day I will get to go do whatever I like. My goal is to either go to the gym or go swim some laps. But, there may be the occasional trip to get a hot drink and read. My first excursion may actually be to get a pedicure and manicure with my Christmas money! Since I am going to get my time I plan to make sure to take Karoline to do something (most likely story time at the library) a few days a week so Tim gets some alone time too. I think this will be a great way for us to get a little "me" time!

Well, Karoline has woken up after only being asleep for a few hours ... here's to hoping this night goes smoothly.

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