June Specials

Essential oils have become apart of our daily routine.

We wake up, Grapefruit or Lemon in our water.
NingXia Red after water.

Diffuse something summery smelling since the sun is refusing to shine in Colorado.
Use a cleaner made with Thieves on the counters and floors.
Stress Away on the back of my neck because I'm cleaning up after girls (and husband) non stop.

Peppermint on tummies that are feeling a bit queasy.

Thieves on the bottom of the girls' feet before leaving the house to keep germs away.

Lavender in the bath tub.
SleepyIze on the girls' feet before bed.
Diffuse Lavender while they sleep.

PanAway and a Lavender/coconut oil mixture on Tim's feet (he works 12 hour days on concrete). This addition to his evening helps him fall asleep fast and have fresh feet for the next day (it's also a nice ten minutes for just us).

Purification on my face, thank you red spots.
Frankincense and Lemon in my lotion for my face and neck.
Thieves and Lemon "tea" to help ease a sore throat.
Lavender on my jaw to help with clenching my teeth.

There are several work from home businesses that are using Facebook to acquire business and team members. I myself sell Pampered Chef and I'm fairly certain there is no way I would still be a consultant if it were not for social media.

But for me, Young Living Essential Oils are different. They are a way to change your day and life for the better. A way to have a day without chemicals. Would I like to make a profit, sure, who wouldn't? My goal is to pay for the oils that we are using as a family with the checks that I receive from Young Living. My hope is for each and every one of my family members and friends to have the ability to try essential oils. To turn to oils instead of the medicine cabinet that is full of chemicals and dyes.

For the month of June I would like to make it easier for my followers to purchase a starter kit. The Premium Starter Kit starts at $150 but there is the added expense of tax and shipping. If you are one of the first two purchasers this month I will reimburse you for your tax and shipping costs. Or you may choose to receive a FREE bottle of R.C. oil.

If you are in need of more information about Essential Oils please visit my Young Living Essential Oils page. As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.

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