Weekend Recap

This weekend went zipping by, seems like they always do! Saturday was a lazy day with a few errands in the morning. Tim was my chauffeur and helped me get a few things done that I just didn't have energy for Friday night. We watched a few movies that afternoon, when I say watched I mean they were on in the background while taking care of Karoline.

Sunday was a football and pizza day, the Broncos won so it was a great day! We also found out Tim gets to go to a game in December with a friend who won tickets. I'm very excited for him, he hasn't done anything like this since we've been married. I think it he will have a great time!

Today we got up early to head to the doctor for a check up on Tim's foot and flu shots for the two of us. I hardly even felt my shot, I was pretty surprised! However, now my arm feels a bit sore, guess that's to be expected.

Karoline only took one 20 minute nap today, that's been rough. Not sure what was wrong other than maybe I gave in to easy and she got over tired from not sleeping. Poor girl. Luckily she always likes her bath and that calmed her down enough to get her to sleep this evening.

Speaking of sleep, my bed is calling my name. Good night all!

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