Thanksgiving Recap

This year I made the Thanksgiving feast. We were so fortunate that my mom was able to take Karoline for 3 hours while Tim and I cooked. He really was a big help and the meal turned out great!

Karoline and I were able to spend a little with my parents before Thanksgiving. It was a wonderful couple of days. It truly is wonderful to see my parents love her. Karoline has always loved her baths, she talks and giggles and plays in the tub. Apparently she is quite the performer, with my mom and dad both loving her noises she went to town splashing and talking. It was really neat to watch.

I'm somewhat scatter brained right now ... definitely need to go to bed ... but ...

Sunday morning while we were at Tim's dads house that I was just in love with my sweet precious girls face. I always love her, obviously. However, that morning I knew I wanted to remember her beautiful she looked. She was laying to my right and we had fallen asleep in bed together, something that only seems to happen when we are away from home. Her skin was perfect, the curves of her nose and cheeks were just right. Adorable.

Today Tim got out the Christmas decorations for me and even "fluffed" up the tree. It was the perfect day to set up the decorations, very chilly and cloudy. In the afternoon I was able to take a few Christmas pictures of Karoline. Amazing how well our phones do with picture taking!

Ok, beyond tired now. Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday spirit! 

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