Money Tree

Today I have had plenty of time to reflect on finances. I am lucky to have been raised with the notion that debt is, well, bad. You shouldn't have it, it's not good for you.

Fortunately for me I have a husband who shares the same views on debt. We are blessed to not only have come to this realization, but to have it at such early ages. We know that the day that we are able to say we have no debt will be one to celebrate, it will be just right!

My day was uneventful to say the least. On the bright side the sun is out and the snow is no where near here! I had planned to go for a walk but despite the shinning sun it is awfully cold out. Not wanting to get Jake sick we have stayed inside, probably a good thing, he's been a little grumpy today.

I had time to write two letters, real letters, with stamps and everything. I am not sure what it is about mail but I love sending it and recieving it. Maybe it's the fact that someone took the time to go out of their way to do something for you or maybe it's just the thrill of seeing something in the mail box other than a bill!

Today I am working a little later than usual. This would put me trying to get home right in the middle of rush hour traffic. Rather than sit in traffic I plan to wash my car (it is beyond filthy), get some gas, and then go Ross shopping! I only need to occupy myself for about an hour, but I have a feeling that I may just get a little lost in Ross. I am always impressed with myself though, I can start with a full cart and put everything back but the one thing I am looking for. That one thing today is a summer dress to wear for our baby shower and maternity pictures. I'm hoping to find something that is longer but is still flattering. Maybe something bright and spring colors!

The sermon from last Sunday's church service is online now. I encourage any of you that have an extra hour to watch it, I promise it will be worth your time.

I hope you all have had a great day, tomorrow is Friday! We can do this!


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