
So many things that I want to talk about today but I just can't quite narrow it down ... So I've decided to do a conglomeration of them all in some what of a sing song manner.

My day started out with an hour and a half long nap, not a bad way to start the day.
It continued to fly by with a walk outside, we enjoyed the beautiful blue sky.
If it's going to be this warm, I think it' needs to stay this warm. I do not want another winter snow storm.
Went to the post office and actually didn't have to wait, I even got great customer service and help with what I needed. Isn't that great?
Politics, politics, they are every where. Pick me, pick me, don't pick him or him ... goodness, I swear.

I am trying to wrack my brain for a few more things to talk about this time. But, you see it seems the third trimester is upon us and I only have enough energy for one more rhyme.

More tomorrow, perhaps I will try to write during the day so that I have a bit more energy! A commute home in the big city sure is enough to tucker a girl out!


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