A New {For a Litle While} Normal

A week ago I left school quite upset about an altercation in my classroom. Little did I know that the week ahead would be so insane in the world.

In this week there has been a lot of change. The biggest notable change, at least in our house is that the girls are now homeschooling. In addition, I will be teaching my students in an online communication only fashion.
For whatever reason, the last few days have felt SO long. 

The strange thing is we normally would be on spring break and this down time wouldn't be a thing. However, I'm comparing this time to when you know an epidural is coming. When I found out the pain was going to stop, after 20 hours into labor with Alex, Tim said I was notably calmer. This happened before the medicine even came. I knew it was coming and that was enough to calm me down. So, normally we know this downtime will end. Now we know if we go back to school at all this year, it won't be until the end of April. Suddenly all of this time feels ominous.

To be totally honest, I've had some MAJOR ups and downs with keeping my faith over fear in the last few weeks. Then I helped with the Blossom Pageant and felt the fear in the sweet girls as they found out their pageant would be a bit modified this year.

I knew that I could either be a helper for God or I could sit in fear. With the help of some incredible friends, my husband and scripture I have been able to pull myself out a wallowing pit of fear a time or two.

Don't get me wrong though, the ups and downs are happening. I am having to work hard to not be anxious. In these times I try to check in with another friend to see how she is doing at this time. Doing so is two part, I get to check in on a friend, and I also get a reality check that everything is going to be ok.

Things that have helped tremendously in this time: forcing myself to workout again (after a five day break) and following in a friends footsteps to just go ahead and jump into homeschooling a few days early.

Below is a schedule based off another that I saw online earlier in the week.
I really am so excited for this time. There are SO many resources available that I am excited to take advantage of. 
YouTube: drawing lessons, early Spanish, kid yoga, science lessons, story telling...
ABC Mouse (we've had to adjust to using it in the evening when the server isn't so crowded).
Prodigy (for math)
Playing card games, board games, making up our own games...

My favorite addition to our day is our Bible time! We are using our stories for our writing prompts.
Alex was to write the verse and then draw a picture. Karoline did the same, but also was to explain what the verse meant in her own words.
A fun resource for ALL: Our church is offering "Live at Lunch," Monday - Friday! Worship, lessons and fun all from your computer! 
For creative time we made gluten free, vegan strawberry and walnut muffins.
We've taken lots of walks outside!
Go Noodle is a great app for "brain/movement" breaks.
We've gone hiking twice already this week! Social distancing isn't terrible.

Homeschooling the girls is something that I have no fear of for this time. 
However, as a teacher for my students, I'm a bit nervous. How do I come up with creative and engaging lessons online? How do I incentivize students to want to do work when they are home? 
I'm working on this and I hope that I can conquer this mountain and do it well for my students.

Random thoughts: 

I want to finally get my tattoo when this is over, I can't do it now because I Google far more than a sane person should and Google told me that getting a tattoo can lower your immune system.

I'm extremely grateful that we figured out Karoline's respiratory distress.

My husband not having a spleen has always made me an A-type germaphobe. I'm running on turbo mode with sanitizing in this season.

I'm thankful for our home. However, if we loose it in all of this, because jobs dissolve and things stop working like they used to, I'm ok with it. I do not need a home, I do not need material things. If we loose everything, but I have my faith and I have my family, I will be just fine. We can live in a fifth wheel, or an apartment or with family. We will be ok. Things don't matter, things aren't important. The people I'm spending my days with, they are important.

I also realized that no one is going to let my children starve. Ridiculous, I know. Restaurants are open, grocery stores are open and even if they weren't we are in a world where 99.99% of people are REALLY good. People help each other.

I'm praying people learn how to be less wasteful in this time. To be thankful for what we have and to make the most of all of it. Reduce, reuse, recycle, reclaim...

I'm praying that in this time families foster relationships and have time to rest.

I'm praying for all who are still working. Praying for their hearts to not be anxious. Praying for their feet to not be tired.

I'm thankful we live in a rural area.

I'm thankful for the spaces our girls have to play in our home.

I'm thankful we are still able to go outside and enjoy the earth that God gave us.

I'm thankful for my girls. 

I'm thankful for my husband.


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