Weight: It’s just a number.

I’ve gained ten pounds since some time last May (I would weigh myself when I would drop my girls off at my parents house before school). 

In August 2018, when I started working full time for the first time EVER, I was TERRIFIED. I worried I was going loose all the strength I had worked really hard for. I also had a fear of regaining the fifteen pounds I worked really dang hard to loose. I weighed myself often and adjusted my calorie intake (I always ate but would pass on dessert or a drink with calories in favor of water) to stay between 120-125 pounds. With my new work schedule I would make it to the gym two times a week. 

After the end of the school year I didn’t have easy access to a scale. The concept of weighing myself had slipped by the wayside. Partly because of the lack of convenience and because, well, I felt good, my pants fit, and I had confidence. So, what was the point?

This year, since I’m no longer in my teaching license program, I’m getting to go to the gym 3-5 times a week. Furthermore, fitness has become a must in my life. The endorphins, the time for myself and the fact that it helps me through particularly rough or anxious days, has made it something I have to make time for. 

The other day I noticed a scale. I stepped on it. 


Come to find out, I’ve gained TEN pounds. However, this time around, even with those numbers on the scale, all of my pants still fit. 

I eat every meal of the day (I am diligent about having one serving- most of the time). I also eat cleaner than I did last year. 

But still, I have gained ten pounds, I’m not sure where this weight is hiding. However, I am pretty sure it helps play a part in my ability to do a 40# dumbbell snatch and a squat clean and jerk over and over again in a workout!! My shoulder strength feels good. Actually, I sort of love it.  Side note, sometimes I touch my arm and I am legitimately shocked it’s mine and that it’s so hard. You guys, you should love your arms.

As I am sitting on a park bench editing this I actually do think I know where some of the weight is, I caught a glimpse of my hiney in the glass as I walked by a door, there may be some there! Women of the world, embrace your booty.

What’s the point in sharing this with you? I guess to say if you’re putting in an effort to consistently take time for yourself to fit a work out in, there will be results. Consistency doesn’t yield immediate results. Consistency does produce a habit. Finding a healthy outlet is a must. Consistency may also one day result in a, “Dang, when did they get there?” realization as you walk by your reflection. 

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