Lucky Number 7!

Sweet Karoline,

Today you’re seven. SEVEN! I say this every year, but I’m just not quite sure how the time keeps going so fast. 

Karoline, I’m sorry we’re knee deep in house work and transitions on your birthday. I’m sorry you won’t wake up to balloons for the first time. I put up two banners, made you a sign and hung some ribbons. I think it looks fun, but it’s still not a balloon. 

I’m sorry I forgot to get the one gift you asked for. I hope you will be excited to pick it out on the computer tomorrow and that the three gifts you have will make you happy. I’m sorry I’m not a Pinterest perfect party throwing, frugal but fancy kind of mom.

My sweet girl, I’m trying and failing and yet you keep loving me. To be honest, I don’t always feel worthy of your love. However, I know you’d never want me to feel this way. Because that’s you, my daring, you’re a ray of sunshine. 

I have a plan and I’m not sorry to be giving up social media for the summer so I can focus on our family. I’m not sorry I give you non-processed foods (most of the time), hate sugar and put you to bed early. Because I’m trying to do my best for you.

Motherhood is hard for me, and yet you just keep rocking the kid thing. You’re extremely intelligent, fun to be around, kind, beautiful, polite and precious in every single way. 

My daring, you’re incredible. 

When I was little my live in nanny was from the Philippines. She once said, in her culture, age seven is a big deal. At age seven a child has all the personality traits and behaviors they will have for life. My love, if this is true, then you nailed it. Your daddy and I are so proud of who you have become! 

My prayer for you, on your seventh birthday, is to always have courage and be kind - and to know Jesus and your family love you. Always. 

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