Have you made your list and checked it twice?

As a mom I feel like sometimes all I do is make lists. If I'm lucky enough to cross a few things off my list it's only a matter of time until I'm adding more to it. One step forward, two steps back. Or, is the perpetual list just a part of life? Would you really want to have everything crossed off your list? In the last few weeks I have come to the realization that there will always be something that you, "Have to get done." Maybe for those of us who are the extreme A-type/list makers this is our "addiction." By finally admitting and saying it out loud, or typing it, I've been able to relax more. I take the days as they come and am able to enjoy now.

This morning I "needed" to put clean sheets on all of the beds, make meals for all three of the little girls, and Tim and I. I could feel myself starting to stress out about it. My mental list was caving in on me, then I realized what was going on. I took a step back and prioritized.  In doing so I was able to realize that this is my day, this is what I do, everything will get done. There is no reason to get ahead of myself and worry. It all worked out and Tim even made lunch for the two of us.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love a good to-do list and I sure do love to check things off. Sometimes I even write things down that I already completed just so I can check them off (don't act like you've never done that). On one of my lists has been to write our Christmas blog. I had every intention to send Christmas cards this year. But, let's be honest, they're expensive. I decided that when we have a nice family photo in future years we will send cards. Until then, it's the digital version!

A picture speaks a thousand words, or so they say. So, I thought I would do a recap of our year in pictures. Here we go, I give you the Reed family highlights of 2014!

January: Our first and last family vacation as a family of 3 (well, 3.5, hello pregnant belly). We had a great time going to see my God-parents in Scottsdale, AZ. 
 It snowed, a lot! 
This face sums up how we felt about the Bronco's losing in the Super Bowl.
 And, we live in Colorado so we needed to water the lawn, despite the snow above.

March: Our last month as a family of 3!
 First pony tail(s)!
 Daddy cut down and dug up not one, but TWO trees with a little helper! 

April: We found out that we were going to be an aunt and uncle again. Scott and Ashley were expecting a baby due in November, we were so excited! Our second baby was due any day. We waited and waited for our due date, April 8th... And then we waited some more...
But, thanks to baby staying put I was able to see two of my most favorite Middleton sisters.
Nine months, one week pregnant, "smiling," in-between contractions. One last picture before getting in the truck to go to the hospital.  
 Then I finally heard the words, "It's a girl!" You can read, "All about Alexandra."
 A family of four. 
 Time to go home. 
 Our beautiful baby.
I learned that baby wearing is quite possibly one of the greatest things ever and one of the only ways to get things done when you have more than one little one running around. 

May: Karoline turned two! 
 She loved her mini cupcakes! 
She was potty trained before her second birthday! Thank goodness, only one baby in diapers!! 
 Aunt Ashley and Uncle Scott got to come visit!
All the while I had my very own real life baby doll. 

June: After living in our home for a year we have made some friends! I recommend that any and all moms who can take their kids to a library story time do so regularly. Especially if you are searching for a way to feel at home and to meet new people. We met some great friends this way and spent the summer swimming and playing.
 Alexandra's first time in the pool.
The shirt doesn't lie!

 We went to a down town wedding on July 4th. It was an honor to see a grade school friend get married in such a beautiful location!
 One weekend later one of my most dear friends was married! 
 Karoline fell in love with "Frozen," or "Elsa," as she calls it. 
 That's a cloth diaper under there. We have been using them for six months. I am a big fan after being quite skeptical in the beginning. 
We had many a car wash last summer.
 Birthday party fun.
 Tiny toes.
 Playing in the sand box.

September: I was blessed with a fantastic birthday month!
 These two ... 
I received a gift I waited 6 years for! I love it! 

October: This month went by in a blink of an eye.
Sister love? 
Our sweet, darling niece, Anna Mackenzie was born on October 24th! Oh how we wished we could have been there to meet her!
Boo at the Zoo!  
Halloween night

 We are always on the move...

December: We have entered the stage in which Karoline says some very funny things.
Karoline: Dad, please wear these shoes. 
Tim: No thank you, I'm going to wear these ones instead.
Karoline: I'm sorry dad, that's not an option.

Since I have my new camera, which I have yet to really play around with, I took way too many pictures in the month of December.

 Karoline's first time seeing Santa, ever!

 Alexandra's first time seeing santa!
 Trying to not down right laugh at my moms attempt to use my camera!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


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