Boots and Bows

Boots and bows, what more could a girl need. Last weekend my mom was able to come up and watch Karoline for us. Tim had to work and I had a Pampered Chef show and there was a 3 hour gap where neither of us would be home. How blessed are we that we are able to not have to have the fear of a baby sitter. We do have several friends and family close by that would be perfectly fine care givers for a short period of time. However, I think if she can my mom would always prefer to be the baby sitter! I don't blame her, Karoline is pretty awesome.

Her newest trick is "clicking." I showed her how to make a clicking sound using her tongue against the roof of her mouth on Friday night and on Saturday morning she woke up clicking. She has quite the "vocabulary" now too. She has ma, ba, da, and all the vowels sounds down. These last few days I've even taught her the sssss sound. It's adorable to say the least.

On Saturday she also pulled herself up on our TV stand. This isn't the cool part. She grabbed Tim's remote controller and grabbed onto it with two hands. Thus, standing by herself for a good 5-10 seconds! She truly is just physically a little rock star. As are all babies in the eye of their parents.

Back to the boots and bows, my mom purchased these two items for Karoline while we were shopping. The perfect accessories for a stylish girl.

Switching gears, after we finish the food in our fridge we are going on a wholesome diet! We will be eating fruits and veggies galore! I am so excited. Tim will also try a juice cleanse to attempt a body reboot, he's had quite a few issues lately. Hoping this will be the fix. I can not do a full cleanse because I am still nursing but I will be adding the juice to my diet as well. I am beyond excited for the results. I can only imagine how great we are going to feel with the addition of so many natural items to our diet! I'll make sure to update on our progress as well as share some of our favorite recipes!

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