3 Weeks

So, I've decided that blogging is like working out...once you stop it's hard to start it back up again! But, have no fear I have found the keyboard again!

The last three weeks have been a whirl wind of events. Tim's mom lost her battle with cancer and took her place in Heaven on March 19, 2012. In the days that followed we were shown great support by family and friends and were able to put together a beautiful memorial that she would have loved. I smile now in thinking that she really would have loved all of the flowers that were at her memorial. I am comforted in knowing that the colors and beauty of the flowers that we have here on earth are nothing compared to the flowers in her garden in Heaven.

We also were able to have a fundraising walk in honor of LuAnn that was extremely successful! The outpoor of support for LuAnn was amazing to see. The money that we raised has allowed for a little bit of relief and I am extremely thankful to everyone who sent their well wishes, came to the walk and made donations to the beneficiary fund.

In the mean time I have been able to connect with my mother and am very thankful for all of the extra time we have been able to spend together. We finally made it to "Canvas and Cocktails" and created beautiful masterpieces. Mom's is hanging in her bathroom, and when we move into a bigger condo I plan to hang mine in our guest bathroom as well! She was also able to come with me to one of our doctors appointments, it was nice for her to see where we have been going and to meet one of our potential doctors for the delivery. We also made sure to take a trip down to see just exactly where the hospital is so that when her and my dad make their way up for the birth they will know exactly where they are going.

To top off the last three weeks we had the most AMAZING baby shower! It was truely wonderful! From the fine details in the invitations to the very last flower on the tables, it was just right. We are truely blessed to have had so many people pitch in to help create a shower that was the shower of my dreams. I didn't have a traditional wedding, but boy did this shower make up for any lack of tradition that I didn't have with a wedding!

We had the perfect snacks, the fresh fruit was wonderful. Our dessert table was cute and had a little bit of everything for everyone. There were no silly games, instead we all decorated onsies, I am realizing now that I didn't get to decorate one. Hey mom, save one for me and keep the paint would ya, I'd like to make one!

All in all, it was just wonderful. To all who attended our shower or helped to put it together, thank you is not nearly enough to express our gratitude! One more thing, not knowing the gender of our baby proved to be the best way to ensure to get gifts that we needed, we now have almost all of the necessities for our sweet little one!

I have learned a lot in the last three weeks. One bit that I would like to share with you is the value of an apology. I have reieved two and have given out many. I am glad that I am the type of person who can take an apology for what it is and accept it. When a person says, "I'm sorry," I believe them whole heartedly and the problem or whatever the apology was for is erased to me. I am thankful to my parents that I have this value. I mean what I say when I apologize and I therefore feel the same way about what others say. So, my lesson for the day, "Say what you mean, and mean what you say." In doing this it allows for everyone to move on from a situation and in some cases, it may even make your relationship better in the long run.

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