
Me: I've never had anything waxed.
Samantha: What?! We will absolutely have to do something about that.

This is a conversation I had with my cousin. I jokingly slid my way around the subject and we moved on to the next topic.

Then, a few weeks later, I turned 30. For whatever reason I was a typical 30th birthday dread-er. I'm past it, I am thankful to have celebrated this milestone and to be where I am in life ... but still, 30.
The next time I saw my cousin her up and coming Downtown Denver salon was finished and of course I had to see it! I should have known that between my desire to try new things in my 30s and the adorable atmosphere of her space that I would be persuaded to take the plunge.
Every inch of the salon is classy and welcoming.

At the right old age of 26 + four years and four months I finally gave waxing a try.

We had all of the kids with us (five of them between the two of us) so there wasn't much time to make this blog a juicy tell all about my first bazillion wax. You're welcome.

No, instead I got my eyebrows done. Let me back up, for the longest time I've had eyebrow envy. If you've got naturally gorgeous eyebrows, or if you can make them look amazing you can count on me complimenting them. I bought myself a magnified mirror at far too young of an age and my eyebrows suffered the consequences. I'm still waiting for these suckers in the middle to grow back. I've considered micro-blading but I just can't bring myself to spend the money on that (yet).

So, I hop up on the extremely comfortable table to have my eyebrows done and Sam asks how I would like them. I take a look at hers and say, "Like yours! I really want them to have nice shape and to look the way all those fancy eyebrows out there look."

Before I know it there is a soft and warm wax on my eyebrow. I am completely intrigued by how soft the wax is. When the wax was removed I was prepared for pain and I hardly felt a thing! I was pleasantly surprised. I started jabbering and asking questions about the wax Sam was using. She said she's used several different waxes but is partial to a soft wax and using a pellon (a strip) to remove all body hair. The wax is very high quality and imported from Italy. No wonder it feels so nice!

After she was done I was so surprised at how soft and hair-free my skin was! I had a little bit of redness from the extraction but absolutely no reaction to the wax itself!

I learned several things after my first waxing:
     1) I have sister eyebrows, not twins 2) I'm officially hooked on waxing.

Next time, larger surface area!

See the shape of the right eyebrow?!

*This was not a paid post. I wanted to share this business with you! I am extremely proud of my cousin. She had a vision to open her own salon in Downtown Denver and she did!

Next time you're in the Denver area give yourself the gift of a day at the salon!

1918 Logan Street, Unit A

Denver, CO 80203


Some facts about Uprooted Waxing:

  • Supporting this business means supporting an entrepreneur mama on a mission
  • Uprooted Waxing strives to minimize waste and always uses organic, gluten free & vegan products when possible
  • Carseat babies are welcome and the company is 100% supportive of breastfeeding mamas! 
  • What are you waiting for?

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