Ooby Dooby Baby

I've been searching for stylish and practical clothes for our girls for a while. Here's my dilemma, I really want them to look cute and stylish, but I need their clothes to be simple and practical too.

Then I found Ooby Dooby Baby, a company owned by a mom to two girls. Obviously I had to check it out. I loved what I saw! Cute and practical clothes that can be dressed up or rocked plain to make a bold statement. 

When the opportunity to collaborate with Ooby Dooby Baby came about I knew I had to jump on it!

I selected the "I am Brave, Fearless & Strong" tee for Alexandra. If you know her, you know these words define our little curly haired girl.

In my mind I had a great expectation for what would come of our photoshoot. Colorado had other plans and threw me a curve ball with an extremely cold (even though it was sunny) morning on the day we had set aside to take pictures. Being the mom that I am I couldn't fight it. I didn't want to force pictures into happening on a day that was proving ready to fight back. So we went home and played for a bit to warm up.

Typically I size up when purchasing the girls clothes. Usually they fit for a couple of years when I do this. I don't have to worry about shirts being too short then either. For whatever reason I forgot to size up with this order. Thankfully Ooby Dooby Baby makes pretty much the most perfect tee I've ever put on one of the girls and it fit's exactly how I like them to!

Check out Ooby Dooby Baby to find the tee (or bib) that fits your little one. With every purchase the company donates a portion of the sale to ChildHelp, a great organization that helps children who are abused.

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